The Society Story

Hi there - we’re Josh and Tayla Bull and we’re so glad you’re here. Ten years ago we felt God speak to us about starting a church and it’s been a dream in our hearts ever since. We’re so excited to be launching a new church in Melbourne, Australia.

We believe God wants to move powerfully in Australia, and we can’t wait to join what God is already doing in the incredible city of Melbourne. We have a dream to see lives changed by the presence of God, and we are expectant to launch a new community that loves Jesus, serves the city, and impacts society for good.

The Society story is just beginning, and we’d love for you to be part of it.

Why Melbourne?

 Melbourne is set to become Australia’s largest city, with a population of over 5 million people. Melbourne is richly diverse, with more than 140 cultures represented. In fact, 55% of Melbourne’s population was born overseas. 

Melbourne is known for its restaurants and cafes, sporting culture, artistry, central business district, leading universities, and breathtaking landscapes. Amidst all of this, there is a desperate need for Jesus and new churches. The number of Australians attending church regularly is less than 10%, and nearly 50% of people in Melbourne identify as having no religion.

We’ve felt God stir our hearts for this beautiful city, and we believe that the good news of Jesus will reach far and wide.


Support Society financially with a one-time gift, or sign up for reoccurring giving.


We believe God wants to assemble an incredible team at Society. Whether you currently live in Melbourne or you're considering moving — we’d love to chat.


We’d love your prayers as we prepare to start Society. Sign up for the Society Friends and Family Network for regular updates on what we’re praying for!

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Partner financially with Society to make it a reality

About the Bulls

Josh and Tayla Bull have been married for ten years and have two wonderful and energetic boys, Elijah (4) and Zane (2). In 2017, the Bulls moved to South Carolina from Australia to be part of the NewSpring Church family. Josh and Tayla have spent the past 11 years serving the next generation as youth and young adult pastors, including a season leading those ministries across 14 Campuses at NewSpring. 

The Bulls are passionate about building the local church and seeing lives changed when people meet Jesus. Josh and Tayla are excited about this faith-filled adventure and believe God wants to do a miraculous work in Melbourne.


The Trinity

We believe in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Our Witness

We believe we are called to be witnesses of Jesus Christ in word and action, in the power of the Holy Spirit.


We believe God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is the creator.


We believe we are called to unity within the local church and throughout the whole Christian Church.

The Church

We believe that through faith in Christ, we are united with all other believers in Christ’s Body – the Church – and that this finds expression through our participation in a local church.


We believe in the Centrality of Jesus Christ: a. Fully God, fully human, b. Lived a life of perfect obedience, c. Died for our sin, d. Was physically resurrected, e. Will come again as the judge of all


We believe we are saved by God’s grace through faith in Christ alone.


We believe we are called to celibacy in singleness and loving faithfulness between a man and woman in marriage.

Eternal Life

We believe in the resurrection of the dead and the gift of eternal life through Christ.

Holy Spirit

We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives and, indeed, the whole of creation.

The Word

We believe the bible (the word of God) points beyond itself to Jesus Christ (the Word of God) on whom alone our faith, hope and salvation rests

Our Purpose

We believe our purpose in life is to love God fully and to love others as Christ has loved us and so participate in building God’s Kingdom of love, peace and justice.

The Bible

We believe the Bible, including the Old and New Testaments, is inspired by God. Our faith, teaching and lives are nourished and regulated by the truth of the biblical witness.


We believe we are called to turn away from sin and to grow in Christ-like character exemplified in the fruit of the Spirit.


We believe human beings are created in the image of God.


We believe the essence of sin is rejection of and rebellion against God.